Our Dogs

Meet Hunting Hills' Sydney Josie

Josie was our first female that we purchased from Kris Hill at Hunting Hills Kennel in Nebraska. She was foundational to our breeing program and is now retired. She is an awesome quail and pheasant hunter with plenty of spunk and a very loving dog that never met a stranger. She produced several great litters for us and has been a big part of our life. 

Meet Kennedy Feather Fanatic "Sadie"

Sadie is a NA Prize I out of Kennedy’s Ashley Posey

She is a great house dog and is owned by Jack Tracy in Noble, Oklahoma. We handle the breeding for the Tracy Family. She is excels in the water and the field. 

About Dog

Meet Tink and Brandy

These are Hunting Hills Dixie Sasha and Nifty buck pups from 2023. They have both passed NA and are potential dams for Kennedy kennels. 

Meet Kennedy's Indian Paintbrush "Bonnie"

Bonnie is a NA Prize I out of Hunting Hills Dizie Sasha and Hunting Hills Nifty Buck.

She is one of our kennels prospective females. Her drive to hunt and track is only matched by her desire to please her handler. Bonnie and Carson hunt all over western Oklahoma and Kansas for quail, pheasants, waterfowl and the occasional wounded deer. 

Meet Robigun's Skeets Three Oh "Skeets"

Skeets is a NA Prize II that we got from Kris Hill at Hunting Hills Kennel.

Skeets our current stud dog and is owned by Kellen Cansler in Weatherford, OK. He is calm and gentle in the house and has great drive in the field.  He hunts hard all season and helps guide waterfowl and upland hunts in western OK. Skeets will be runing his NAVHDA test this summer. We are excited to have Skeets and Kellen as part of the Kennedy Kennels family!

Contact us if you would be interested in breeding with Skeets.

Meet Bob

Bob was our first munsterlander that we purchased from Jeff Lemmons in 2003. He was a great dog that was the “head of ranch security”. He kept the ranch free from other dogs, coyotes, coons and possums and did a great job bird hunting. He passed away in 2011. 

Meet Hunting Hills Sasha

Sasha was a wonderful upland dog and unfortunately passed in 2023. She received an NAVDHA NA Prize I and possessed quail and pheasant hunting ability unsurpassed of any dog we have owned. She produced some outstanding litters that make up a big part of our success. She is dearly missed. Pictures below are of some of her pups she produced for us over that last few years.